Saturday, February 5, 2011

Process of the Platform to the Prize of the Performance

I'm officially working on a solo show.
It's really helping me tame the voices within.
It's so much more psychological than I ever could've imagined.
In fact, it's therapy.

My process in discovering these characters is something I learned about through an amazing Solo Show Class here in New York City with Matt Hoverman ( cheesy name, brilliant man.  Sort of pricey, but not really.  If you are interested in creating one, TAKE HIS CLASS.

There is no doubt what I wanted to do was less personal and more theatrical.
Me?  Want to entertain?  Go figgggguh!

FOCUS, Tracey.
Back to the Process!  (See why it's hard for me to write?)
This is from an article Eric Bogosian wrote about how he creates,
I stole it and modified it for myself.
I take a digital voice recorder and walk around as the character speaking.
THEN I write out everything I have said that I found useful (up to when I'm taking a breath.)
THEN I must erase all excess bullshit afterwards so I don't go revisit and get muddled in my intentions.
(Again, which as you can see can be very choppy and all over the place!)

So, In the midst of this talky-talkiness walking around like a former (present?) diva of the stage,
I dropped in.
I found her.
She is a part of me disguised as an old woman.
She is me.
I snap out of it.
Here's what I said directly after I broke.....(laughing)

"I am schizophrenic, definitely.  Oh, (realizing) yeah.  (sigh)  Is this what they think crazy people are like?  Am I crazy? (realizing) yeahhh."

I should be charging myself.

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