Friday, July 10, 2009

13 strangers living under 1 roof...Gotta Be Big Brother!

Tis that time of year!
Big Brother, Big Brother!!!
It officially marks the beginning of summer.
If you don't watch this show, you are REALLY missing out.
Especially if you watch bullshit like, The Hills, and Dancing with the Fat Ass.
It is an amazing reality show involving strategy and skill.
I could never do it.
I would freak out about who is talking about me 
and hoping that people wouldn't find out what I said about them.

So it's a lot like high school.
The producers are even using that as a "twist" this season.

It's so beyond worth it to watch!  
Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays.  
That's right....3X a week.  
They even have a 24 hour live feed.
Its a voyeur's wet dream!!
check it out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looking back at the start of this shit, who would have thought Jordan would have won????
Didn't she say something about no boogers, and 'boogers' meant sex?
Ugh. That made me hate her at first.