Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Free style writing..can it be a sketch??

Goddamn it's hard to sit and try to write 2-3 minutes of pure funny.  Maybe I'm missing the point.  I'm in a sketch comedy writing class and I can't seem to hit the nail on the head, aka start writing something that doesn't suck balls.  Maybe my humor is too dark or maybe I want to do too much too quickly but something's gotta give.  It will, as God is my witness it will!!  It's finding a happy medium of doing enough without doing too much and vise versa.  Sound confusing...imagine how my brain is reacting to it, and as you may or may not know I have an abnormally small head.  It's like in the movie Beetlejuice when he gets sprinkled with dust and the head shrinks.  That's me.  At least I have a pretty face?  (She asks in desperation.)  Interestingly enough I feel a sketch coming on....

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