The Real Housewives of Orange County make me Real Real (really) mad.
I don't know how many people actually watch the show, but it's worth it.
It's no RHO Atlanta....(sung: There's a Tightro-ohhhhpe,) but it's a beast all unto itself.
I don't know why I feel obligated to blog about it, but I mean shit.
It makes me want money.
There I said it.
I don't want to be one of these bitchy, soul-less zombies, but I want their money.
Is that so bad?
I would do more with it.
I would still shop at the Salvation Army and look for the 50% off tags.
I would still look for the cheapest thing on the menu so I could drink more.
I would still use my grocery store savings card.
In addition to this:
I would finally get to carry a designer bag that isn't 2nd-hand
I would sit in my beautiful house on my outdoor entertainment area and write, write, write
I would be able to allow myself to buy JUST ONE Betsey Johnson dress
I would still have a job but one I've always WANTED, like owning a Vintage store where I could help girls who can't afford it have an amazing prom!
I would never be able to leave the house because if those women represented on the show were the people I would have to associate with, I might just turn into one of them.
I think I'll stay poor and happy.